I got this from another blogger...who got this from another blogger!
i am: an outgoing person
i want: to live each day to it's fullest
i have: a wonderful husband, 5 children, and 1 grand daughter
i wish: I could be with all my children this Christmas
i hate: that my grand mother has to suffer with Alhemizers
i miss: Christmas time with my family in Charlotte
i hear: dogs, cats and a loud mouth bird in the background
i wonder: if I will lose my mind before three daughter's (ages 15 to 20) leave home
i regret: things I should have said but never did
i am not: good at keeping in touch with old friends...life seems to get in the way!
i sing: but not well
i cry: for the young soldiers that gave their life to protect us
i am not always: happy...but I try to be
i make with my hands: scrapbooking and painting for my family
i journal: about my family
i confuse: myself and DH at times!
i need: bedroom slippers...my feet are cold lol!
i should: be cleaning...what's the fun in that!
i start: my day as soon as the girls are off to school and work...less drama that way!
i finish: the day watching my favorite shows...thanks to DVR!
please post a message if you decide to do this...so I can go check it out!
Life's a journey... here and living it!

Monday, December 17, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Look what you could win...
Here's your chance to advertise this great card site and get your name in for a chance to win a full set (16 packages) of the Studio G (series 7) stamps!!

Check it out at Sheet load of Cards

Check it out at Sheet load of Cards
Friday, December 07, 2007
I have two toots!
I found out this week that I made two Design Teams. I'm excited to start working with the stores and I can't wait to get new product to play with!
Memories in the Attic
Freckled Friends
Memories in the Attic
Freckled Friends
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Crop all weekend!
At Memories from the Attic...Memories from the Attic is launching their first online crop and we want YOU to come join us! Our theme for December: SKETCHES!
The crop will begin on Friday, December 7 at 8 PM EST with the debut of the first challenge! The crop will continue through to Sunday, December 9. Signups begin on December 1.
Prizes will be given away for challenges and if you are a serious scrappaholic and complete all of the challenges, you could earn the title of "Attic DIVA". You won't want to miss it! Don't forget to sign up and introduce yourself...and tell them I sent you so I'll know you stopped by my blog!
The crop will begin on Friday, December 7 at 8 PM EST with the debut of the first challenge! The crop will continue through to Sunday, December 9. Signups begin on December 1.
Prizes will be given away for challenges and if you are a serious scrappaholic and complete all of the challenges, you could earn the title of "Attic DIVA". You won't want to miss it! Don't forget to sign up and introduce yourself...and tell them I sent you so I'll know you stopped by my blog!
Shack Professor
at Susan's Scrapbook Shack is for a Christmas gift bag. This month is my month as Shack Professor, so I decided to do a gift giving item for those small gifts that you have to get done to be finished with Christmas shopping. Here's the gift bag I did for Hayleigh's daycare teacher. I'll fill it up with an oversized coffee cup loaded with goodies and tissue! If you would like the instructions for this gift bag and where to find this neat paper mache gift bag just click on the link above. 

Sunday, December 02, 2007
Christmas light???
It looks like we are limited this year on decorating the new house! Our house roof is too high for Charles to get up there and put up lights. It was 28 degrees yesterday putting up what lights we did do...brrr, it was so cold! I hope to get a picture today. We are still working on the yard since we are not putting much up on the house. We are supposed to get snow tonight and most of the week so I hope to get some pictures of it with snow on the house. Here's what we are working with...
We have a long ladder that they use on utility poles and it would not go high enough to reach the second level and the third level is just not happening!

Monday, November 19, 2007
I WON!!!
The final round at Scrap-tastic! The final round was down to five awesome scrapbookers and I won the crown...I'm so excited! Thanks Becky, DT members, and contestants!!! I had a blast playing...now where's that crown? teehee...
Sunday, November 18, 2007
My final round
at Scrap-tastic was to do a little bit of everything. Requirements were to do a one or two page LO with sewing, stampimg, painting, journaling ( 3 sentences with bullets), 5 photos, and 5 different colors. Since it has just started snowing up here and very little snow so far, I had to go with last years pictures of Hayleigh in the snow. The snowing has really gave me the itch for some snow pictures. After all, we are living up where we should see some good snow falls again. Thanksgiving is calling for snow and I'm looking forward to it ...because I don't have to be out driving in it! A great day to relax and eat too much and hang out by the fireplace and look at it out the window! We'll back to my final submission...

Thursday, November 15, 2007
has really been hard on me this year...already!!! I have been sick for a month now. I just can't seem to kick this! All I did yesterday was sleep. I tried to stay awake, but my body said sleep. I've had a cold in my sinuses, chest, and now it's back in my throat. It was so sore and swollen that my pills were stuck in my throat...yuck! I'm hoping that this wave of antibotics will kick it. Just wanted to let people know I'm still around...I just have not felt like doing much! Charles' mom is coming for Thanksgiving, so I have to be well soon!
I'm trying to work on my final LO for Scrap-tastic today. I have until Sunday to upload, so I'm ok for now. I have an idea for it...I just need to get it to work out on paper! I'm having to pull from old pictures because I have not felt like going out and getting new pictures. It's been rainy a lot here so my pictures of Hayleigh playing in leaves has not happen yet. We have snow and rain mixed the rest of this week so no luck until next week.
My month as Guest Designer is up today for Scraplove. I had a blast being the Guest Designer...thank you Suzanne, Em, and the DT!
I'm still the month intern for Scrappinmojo. I have my second challenge posted there....if you get a chance go check it out! I'm giving a set of Elsie alphabet stamps away to one lucky participate! The whole DT is hosting challenges all month and are giving away prizes at the end of the month. There's plenty of challenges to get you motivated!
I've also posted to the right side of my blog a give away for Susan's Scrapbook Shack for signing up as a new member during the month of November...my duty this month is member recruitment. I will draw one lucky name out of the hat for an RAK from me just for becoming a member.
I hope to see some familiar names and faces there! If you sign up for any of these sites introduce yourself and please let me know. I'd love to know I helped send you there!
I'm trying to work on my final LO for Scrap-tastic today. I have until Sunday to upload, so I'm ok for now. I have an idea for it...I just need to get it to work out on paper! I'm having to pull from old pictures because I have not felt like going out and getting new pictures. It's been rainy a lot here so my pictures of Hayleigh playing in leaves has not happen yet. We have snow and rain mixed the rest of this week so no luck until next week.
My month as Guest Designer is up today for Scraplove. I had a blast being the Guest Designer...thank you Suzanne, Em, and the DT!
I'm still the month intern for Scrappinmojo. I have my second challenge posted there....if you get a chance go check it out! I'm giving a set of Elsie alphabet stamps away to one lucky participate! The whole DT is hosting challenges all month and are giving away prizes at the end of the month. There's plenty of challenges to get you motivated!
I've also posted to the right side of my blog a give away for Susan's Scrapbook Shack for signing up as a new member during the month of November...my duty this month is member recruitment. I will draw one lucky name out of the hat for an RAK from me just for becoming a member.
I hope to see some familiar names and faces there! If you sign up for any of these sites introduce yourself and please let me know. I'd love to know I helped send you there!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Round 6
at Scrap-tastic was a touch on for me. I love to make cards be not with so much pressure. I hope it's good enough to keep me in the game!

I made this card from a wonderful product line called Paper Trunks. You should check them out. I love their rich and bold colors and the design of their products. If you are a stamp lover you will love the extra long clear stamps.

I made this card from a wonderful product line called Paper Trunks. You should check them out. I love their rich and bold colors and the design of their products. If you are a stamp lover you will love the extra long clear stamps.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
I made it to round #6
at Scrap-tastic. For this round we have to make a thank you card using chipboard, buttons, ribbon, stamping and/or rub-ons. I was not expecting a card! I love to make cards, but I'm no great card maker!!! We'll see if I can hang in there. I'll post my card when I get it finished. Wish me luck, I'm going to need it this week!!!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Round #5
I made it to round #5 at Scrap-Tastic...we had to do a LO about a talent that we have. Requirements are: a talent, use a technique from the Technique thread (which I used painting backgrounds), and a photo of myself. So, here's what I came up with...

Thursday, November 01, 2007
I spy
some of my LOs and projects at the following:
Scrap Street Magazine LO "I can Ride" The November Issue p.28
Tip Junkie photo block "for the kids"
Eventful Moments in Life Pumpkin Patch
I won the contest at Scrappinmojo Survivor. There's some asewome talent there and great friends, so I'm very honored to win! Along with a goodie package I will be hosting weekly challenges for the month of November. I'm looking forward to challenging everyone!
I lost by one point at Scrappin With Grace to Renee. There's some great talent and great friends there also! I had a blast doing Survivor Football. They are starting a new contest, a Treasure Hunt. It should be alot of fun!
I will not find out the winner at 2 Croppin Cousinz until the weekend. I don't plan on winning anything there. You racked up alot of points by doing the weekly crop activities and that's our date night. We get little time together as it is, so I was not going to give up a month for scrapbooking. I hung in there did all the challenges and had a blast...so that's good enough for me!
Scrap Street Magazine LO "I can Ride" The November Issue p.28
Tip Junkie photo block "for the kids"
Eventful Moments in Life Pumpkin Patch
I won the contest at Scrappinmojo Survivor. There's some asewome talent there and great friends, so I'm very honored to win! Along with a goodie package I will be hosting weekly challenges for the month of November. I'm looking forward to challenging everyone!
I lost by one point at Scrappin With Grace to Renee. There's some great talent and great friends there also! I had a blast doing Survivor Football. They are starting a new contest, a Treasure Hunt. It should be alot of fun!
I will not find out the winner at 2 Croppin Cousinz until the weekend. I don't plan on winning anything there. You racked up alot of points by doing the weekly crop activities and that's our date night. We get little time together as it is, so I was not going to give up a month for scrapbooking. I hung in there did all the challenges and had a blast...so that's good enough for me!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
I was tagged by
Susan, so here's my list...Here are the rules which must be posted on your blog if you are tagged:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
1. I'm a SAHM/GM, married 20 years, and I have 5 children, and I sweet grandbaby girl.
2. I love scrapbooking and photography, but I also love to paint and draw.
3. DH and myself were remarried on our seventh Anniversary in a gazebo looking out over the ocean in Cancun, why 17 because he was willing to do it!
4. We have 4 dogs, 3 cats, I cockatoo, a turtle, and a fish.
5. I've lived in Germany, Okinawa Japan, North Carolina, Georgia, Maryland, Arizona, Indiana, Oklahoma, and Ohio.
6. I had three of my children overseas in Germany.
7. I'm a very proud mother on three in the Army and I was also a military wife for 12 years.
I tag Laura, Bethany, Kate, Michelle, Jessica, Annette, and Stayce. I hope that all you girls will play along.
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
1. I'm a SAHM/GM, married 20 years, and I have 5 children, and I sweet grandbaby girl.
2. I love scrapbooking and photography, but I also love to paint and draw.
3. DH and myself were remarried on our seventh Anniversary in a gazebo looking out over the ocean in Cancun, why 17 because he was willing to do it!
4. We have 4 dogs, 3 cats, I cockatoo, a turtle, and a fish.
5. I've lived in Germany, Okinawa Japan, North Carolina, Georgia, Maryland, Arizona, Indiana, Oklahoma, and Ohio.
6. I had three of my children overseas in Germany.
7. I'm a very proud mother on three in the Army and I was also a military wife for 12 years.
I tag Laura, Bethany, Kate, Michelle, Jessica, Annette, and Stayce. I hope that all you girls will play along.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I had a great weekend!
We went to Harrisburg, PA for the weekend. It was so nice to just relax. We had nothing for sure planned...just kinda went with it. Along the way just off the highway I noticed this old church, so I made Charles take a side trip. When I got there I noticed the very muddy pond. I thought, great this ugly pond will be in my photo. It was perfect, you'll see the entire reflection of the building in the pond! Yay, for muddy water! I played around with my filters in Photoshop and got this result...
I shot this picture as they drove past. You can really get a feel of the buggy moving in the second shot.
I really like the star, so I bought me one to put on our house, in a little Amish store. I also got a great smelling candle. Charles enjoyed looking at the workmanship of the Amish furniture. I had to remind him that he is doing his Masters and has NO time to build furniture right now! Beside, our garage is still full of boxes.
We adventured on to Intercourse, Fertility, and Paradise PA as well...Amish towns too...(((too funny!!!)))
I wanted to take some pictures of the Amish way of life without being intrusive to them...afterall I was on vacation relaxing, I sure did not want to make someone else feel uncomfortable! I got a picture of the cutest little amish boy!
I shot this picture as they drove past. You can really get a feel of the buggy moving in the second shot.
We drove down some side roads in search of covered bridges. I was able to get pictures of a couple of different ones. This first bridge is now closed and there is a campground located beside. The second one I got lucky and a buggy was coming as I took the pictures.
On to our next adventure, we drove down to the military post "Ft. Richie" that DH was stationed at, which is now closed. It was so neat to see our old house. It's almost like a ghost town there now. Here's our old house on post and what we live in now. They're just a little different, don't you think? Oh, and I promise our yard looks much better now than when I took this picture of our new house. This is the photo I took when we were shopping for a house. We use True Green now, so it's very green!

After visiting Ft. Richie, we drove down this little side road to an old creek bed that is loaded with big bolders, called the Devil's something...any way the last time I was there we skipped church to go there and see it and I tored my tendon in my leg, Charles had to carry me off all the rocks and through the path back to the van and had to wear a cast. I think the Lord was trying to tell me something that day! I was very careful and did not walk across all the rocks this time! And we went on a Saturday, just to be on the safe side! As you can see in the picture, it's full of rocks bigger than Charles! When you stand close to the rocks you can here the water running under the rocks. There's suppose to be copperhead snakes in the area, so we did not stick around long or go off the path.
They still had this little pizza place right off post that we went to, so we stopped and pizza there. It seemed much better back then...probably because eating out was very little back then. It's a little mom and pop place and the little school girl that waited on us was very sweet. Charles left her a really good tip.
We had a great time, very relaxing. I hope the next time to meet up with old friends. they were out of town on this trip. Until the next trip!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Finished another one!
This is my final week at Scrappinmojo. We had to do a two page LO, with 5 or more photos (which I know I had plenty of...16 photos!), use September to December in your theme, and a quote, poem, or lyric.
I loved doing this one. I got to combine alot of Hayleigh's first two years of life...alot of sweet memories there!
Here's what I came up with...
Looks like I'm in a red and black mood!
I loved doing this one. I got to combine alot of Hayleigh's first two years of life...alot of sweet memories there!
Here's what I came up with...

Looks like I'm in a red and black mood!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Final week
at Scrappin with Grace. Looks like I'm the first to upload. My team ended up being the winning teams so we advanced, but now play against each other. So much for teamwork anymore. They are a great group of ladies though! Here's my submission...

Now I have 4 more to go before vacation on Friday.
Monday, October 22, 2007
I'm behind
in my posting of my contest. I'm down a couple of contest now. Here's where I'm still standing at...

Scrappin with Grace I'm in the final face down. We started with two teams...each week the losing team had to vote out people from their team. this past week the winning team moves on against each other...what a role change! We had to do a LO with the month sponsor "Peeble" so I used the My Girl kit. This is my last week's submission

Scrappin Mojo This week's challenge was to make a Thank you card. I think my scrappin mojo left me on this one...Here's what I came up with...
Scrap Tastic Ms Scrap-Tastic 2008 I made it to round 4! We had to do a LO about where we live. Here's my submission for last week...

2 Croppin Cousinz I'm not doing as well in this one. They have Friday night crops to gain extra points and that is our (DH & I) date night, so I have only showed up for one crop...this past Friday. I'm hanging in there, even though I know I have no chance of winning...the points show that. I refuse to bow out...I'll hang in until the end no matter how low my points are. I can't give up date night and I'm having fun anyway! There is a bright side I've been on the winning team the past two weeks. Here's my submissions...

I spent the weekend
at www.scraplove.com. They had their October crop this past weekend. I must say that I got alot done! They had some great classes and challenges. If your into contest they have a new contest for the month..."Isn't Fall Lovely?" Contest! you should go check it out!
Here's some of the things I got done this weekend...

Here's some of the things I got done this weekend...

Thursday, October 18, 2007
I got a new car
last Friday. I know I should have already put it up here, but been pretty busy. I'm very excited about it and it drives so good. I went from a soccer mom to having a pretty cool car with the daughters, especially the youngest, Kimi! I drove it up through the Cuyahoga National Forest...good luck with pronounciation on that one, I'm just learning it! It's beautiful through there. I got some great Fall photos and have already done a LO with them.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Family pictures
I'm still hangin in there
Well, I did not make it through the first round at justcre8.com. The challenge was to get people to sign up to vote for you and I did not want to do that. I believe I earn votes by my talent not who I know...so it's just as well I did not make it any further. It gives me more time for the other contest. This is a LO about our little next door neighbor. He's such a cutie and has such a fun personality! Here's my submission any way...

Scrap-tastic results
I made it through Scrap-tastic for the first week. Our challenge was to do a LO of a favorite scent and you had to have sewing on it. I decided to do a LO of Hayleigh when she was first born. I love the smell of just bathed babies! Here's what I came up with.

Thursday, October 04, 2007
I got 3 done today!
With 7 contest going I've been locked away busy in my scrapbook room. I did have time to take Hayleigh to McDonalds today. She played in the playground area and loved it! And...dummy me forgot to bring my camera!
The LOs today are for the 2croppincousinz. I'm entered into 2 contest there. One is Trick and one is Treats . We had to scraplift (copy) someone else LO in the Gallery. So...here's mine. The third one is for justcre8...you'll have to click on the link to see that one in their gallery. As soon as the vote is over I can post it to my blog.

The LOs today are for the 2croppincousinz. I'm entered into 2 contest there. One is Trick and one is Treats . We had to scraplift (copy) someone else LO in the Gallery. So...here's mine. The third one is for justcre8...you'll have to click on the link to see that one in their gallery. As soon as the vote is over I can post it to my blog.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Next Round at Bad Girls

For the next round we had to do a LO using white space. I used a light pattern paper for my white space. Here's what I came up with. Now...lets see if I can make it to round 5...I've got my fingers crossed. My dear friend Michelle (momof3crazies) is also in the contest...I'm pulling for you Michelle. I also a have wonderful friend from Tulsa, Dianne H that's a member there. We use to work together. I'm so excited to finally get to talk to her again. Both are awesome scrapbookers!
I have a LO (which I can not post until Dec.) being published in the November issue at Scrapstreet magazine...I'm so excited! Look for me in there next month. I'll post a link when it's released.
I did not win Design Team at Scrappin With Grace...but I won Honor student and won a bag of loot! So I pretty happy! They are doing a Survivor Football for October. Anf, of course I had to play.
Am I insane or what??? I'm signed up for 7 contest for the month of November. I'm going to be cranking out the LOs...that's for sure. I'll be posting all week as I get them done.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Still in the contest
at Bad Birls Kits... this week we had to focus on direction. Here's what I came up with. I hope I make it through another rounds...we'll see!
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I day dream of Cancun!